There is a total of 2088 Surveyors in Nigeria. This number is made up of Principals and Non-Principals. Non-Principals are all Surveyors in paid employment and for the year 2012, 306 of these are up to date. The principal surveyors are the executive and chief executive in private and public companies and organizations. 1085 of them are enlisted to practice while 844 are not up to date for the year 2012.
Pupil Surveyors
These are graduates from Universities and post HND polytechnic graduates that have registered with the Council. As at February 2012, there are 1212 in this category. They would be eligible to do the professional exams after 2 years pupilage.
These are Polytechnic HND graduates that have registered with the Council. As at February 2012, there are 356 in this category.
These are polytechnic ND graduates who have registered with the Council. As at February 2012, there are 104 of them.